The Zen of Algorithmic Technology for Rejuvenation

Algorithm – A mathematical formula or transformation of data used in order to solve a problem. 

The Trinfinity8’s Algorithmic Anti-Aging technology uses algorithms that give instructions to the body through numeric binary code to take you to a whole new dimension of healing.It’s a simple yet profound concept that is truly evolutionary. 

The universal language of man and nature is DNA and mathematics underlies the entire geometric blueprint of creation. All things that exist have a mathematical code and vibrational signature. DNA sequencing is our personal internal program software. It dictates our genetic heritage and is the determinant of how slow or fast we age and evolve. Surprisingly, we understand less than 5% of our DNA potential, leaving us to ask: “Is aging a code that can be reprogrammed to tell our bodies what to do?” 

The ancient Greeks believed that, “All beauty is mathematics.” Modern day quantum scientists are discovering that all nature is influenced by numerical sequencing, with patterns that resonate and repeat in cycles of time. Is it any wonder that throughout history men of science have asked, “Is God a Mathematician?” 

The ancients referred to it as “Sacred Geometry” (the basis of natural logarithms) and saw it mirrored in all of nature. They revered it by incorporating it into their most ancient of monuments. The Egyptians used it to build the pyramids with exacting precision; the Greeks used it in the Pythagorean science of vibrational energies. They saw it as the common master science by which individuals could tap into the forces of the Divine by joining the physical world with the sacred spiritual world. Today scientists are once again rediscovering the field of Sacred Geometry, of divine pattern — the same key patterns the ancients used to bring all things into manifestation. Trinfinity8 is designed on this principle, yet it’s more than a personal cosmetic device. It is a holistic digital information interface, which allows users to return to their ideal vibrational self– making it a quantum tool for positive vibrational change. 

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