DNA Rejuvenation

Most of us have heard about DNA in relation to inherited physical characteristics, disease research, and perhaps as a crime solving tool, but modern day non-medical sources reveal some stunning characteristics of this genetic 'determinant' and what may be involved in its Rejuvenation to a healthier state.

The work of the world renowned forerunner in Epigenetics and expert in Cellular Biology Dr. Bruce Lipton has presented us with the picture of DNA as heavily influenced by our mental and emotional states. For example, under stress or in anger, microphotographs show the double helix genes compressing and having spike-like protrusions, not very healthy looking; whereas with love or compassion or gratitude, the double helix seems to swell and plump up to a fuller and more robust profile. Dr. Lipton's research dating back to the 1990s - validates the mind-body connection which holistic health has proclaimed for decades. Our attitudes and emotions over time do indeed create health or illness within us.

Another recent article from Source: Healthy.net, Thursday, July 30, 2009:                           

"We are all being told that our Genes are responsible for our health, and they produce a blueprint that determines everything for life. But new scientific research has found they are not set in stone and that our genes can be altered by our environment, and almost instantly.

"A new report from the University of California, Berkeley shows that Epigenetics, where temporary changes in gene function because of the environment may play a bigger part in disease than even the genetic blueprint. For example: "We already know that what a woman eats while pregnant affects the baby’s health, and these small interferences with our genetic make-up happen all the time, and from many sources, say scientists." 

Another school of thought, Integral Human Design, comes from the UK in the work of author Richard Rudd. This body of knowledge posits that DNA has three qualitative levels of expression -- more like psychological archetypes than physical determinants. At its lowest vibration, a Gene Key will manifest in its Shadow expression. As the individual evolves, the gene will then express at a Gift level and be a positive influence. At its highest level, the individual will be manifesting what Rudd calls the highest spiritualized potential of a particular gene.

There are other sources that give us even more glimpses into how we might regard DNA. Physically, it is a salt, and as we know, salt is a superconductor of electrical frequencies. The cells and DNA receive and respond to Trinfinity8's bio-energetic codes instantaneously. 

Each of the 70 programs in the T8 system delivers millions of mathematically precise binary codes of information per minute. No other system or rejuvenation methods, cream or applications has captured the pure essences of such highly evolved states of wellness and consciousness as Trinfinity8 has. 

Trinfinity8 Bio-Energetic is the software with a benevolent attitude!
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